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Generate a List of UUIDs in Python

import uuid

def generate_uuids(n):
return [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in range(n)]

# Example: Generate 5 UUIDs and print each one on a new line
n = 5
uuid_list = generate_uuids(n)

for u in uuid_list:


This script generates a list of Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) in Python. UUIDs are commonly used to uniquely identify information across systems, providing a standardized format.

Here’s a breakdown of the Python code:

  • import uuid: This imports the uuid module, which is part of Python's standard library and contains methods to generate UUIDs.
  • uuid.uuid4(): Creates a random UUID (version 4), suitable for most general purposes.
  • str(uuid.uuid4()): Converts the UUID object to a string format for easy printing or storing.