Project Structure Overview
This document provides a comprehensive overview of the project's structure, designed to assist developers and technical personnel in understanding the organization and components of the application. The project is organized in a modular fashion, promoting separation of concerns and maintainability. Below is a detailed description of each folder and its purpose.
Directory Structure
├── /app
│ ├── app.ts # Application configuration and startup
│ ├── routes.ts # Route definitions (connects with controllers)
│ └── server.ts # Express server configuration
├── /core # Core domain (business logic)
│ ├── /entities # Domain entities
│ │ └── user.entity.ts # Example entity (User)
│ ├── /services # Services containing business logic
│ │ └── user.service.ts # Example service (UserService)
│ ├── /repositories # Persistence interfaces (ports)
│ │ └── user.repository.ts
│ └── /use_cases # Use cases (application logic)
│ └── create_user.use_case.ts # Example use case (Create User)
├── /adapters # Adapters (implementations of ports)
│ ├── /api # API adapters (controllers for HTTP input/output)
│ │ ├── user.controller.ts # Controller for handling user-related requests
│ │ └── error.handler.ts # Global error handling
│ ├── /persistence # Persistence adapters (repository interface implementations)
│ │ └── user.prisma.ts # Repository implementation using Prisma
│ └── /mappers # Data mappers (if necessary for layer translation)
│ └── user.mapper.ts # User mapper between data and domain layers
├── /infrastructure # Infrastructure configuration and dependencies
│ ├── /database # Database configuration
│ │ └── prisma.ts # Database connection using Prisma
│ ├── /http # Express configuration and middlewares
│ │ └── express.ts # Express middleware configuration
│ ├── /logger # Logger (e.g., Winston or similar)
│ │ └── logger.ts # Logger configuration
│ └── /env # Environment variable configuration
│ └── config.ts # Environment configuration file
└── /tests # Unit and integration tests
├── /unit # Unit tests for domain services
├── /integration # Integration tests for APIs and databases
└── /mocks # Mocks of dependencies for tests
Explanation of the Structure
This folder contains the application startup and Express routes.
The core layer, or "nucleus," contains:
- Entities (/entities): Entities that represent business objects.
- Services (/services): This is where the business logic resides.
- Repositories (/repositories): Interfaces that define how to interact with data persistence.
This section includes adapters that connect the domain with the outside world:
- API (/api): Express controllers that handle HTTP requests.
- Persistence (/persistence): Concrete implementations of repositories (e.g., Prisma, Sequelize).
- Mappers (/mappers): Optional mappers for converting data between different layers.
Contains infrastructure configurations, such as the database, logging, and any application infrastructure-related settings.
Holds unit and integration tests, which can be divided into folders such as unit (testing domain logic) and integration (testing API, databases, etc.).